Every product is unique on its own and has a life cycle. After the product is introduced, it is hand held by the creator till it reaches the growth stage.
Design Thinking approach is no more a new term rather it’s the new normal. This helps us to build products from the customer viewpoint to enhance user experience.
Slow Thinking
Successful products often result from Slow Thinking process. Slow Thinking enables deliberation on all possible angles resulting in logical decisions while allowing us to take cues from contemporary developments.
In contrast, fast thinking results in products that acts as quick fixes and lose relevance soon. i.e. they mature and decline fast.
Classic examples include
AOL, which bundled everything from dialup to all the information services that you use, all in one thing. And then Yahoo came along and unbundled all the content from the access. And then one of the features of Yahoo was search, Google came along and unbundled search. One of the things you could do on Google was search for people; Facebook gave people a much better way to search for other people.
The ease with which we can bundle / unbundle, enables the business to do push- pull marketing. The bundled products can be taken through push marketing to the targeted customers. The unbundled products can go through pull marketing where we create the demand for our standalone product by making it lean and affordable.
Technologists should ingrain bundling / unbundling capabilities built in as modularized standalone components during the architectural design.
Product Creators define the what and why of the product strategy while technologists define the how of it. Technologist’s exposure to Business and the Market at large will help them transform themselves into Business IT rather than a silo IT.
Prolonging Growth and Maturity through innovation by Slow Thinking and Bundling / Unbundling, will make the product successful in the long run.